Introduction to ANOBO

"ANOBO" means "art has no boundary". Boundaries is not limited by nationality, culture and language. It aims to build an international education exchange platform with art interdisciplinary education as the main body for world educators, teenagers and children. It aims to improve the social responsibility of the next generation and expand their international vision, so as to cultivate them to become world citizens with the heart of public welfare.

ANOBO team hopes to encourage teenagers and children all over the world to deeply explore, think and present the annual topics through art, express their observation of life and view of the world, and take action to influence more people to pay attention to global issues, our society and our world with art works. Meanwhile, anobo team hopes to join hands with global educators to let the world see the power of children. "Let the power of children influence the world, and let the power of education change the future!"


ANOBO TEAM hopes to guide children and youth from all over the world through art & interdisciplinary education--

Enhance global competence, and become future talents with global vision;

Improve the sense of social responsibility, and become global citizens with a heart for public welfare;

Encourage aesthetic expression of diverse viewpoints, and become a powerful generation with international impact.

ANOBO Projects

Theme of NOBO unbounded International Art Tour

The nobo unbounded International Art Exhibition puts forward a global topic every year. Its supporting courses and exhibitions of children's art public works have covered China, the United States, France, Pakistan and Kenya through platforms such as Columbia University and the United Nations. In the past four years, nearly 40000 teenagers and children from 15 countries have participated in the nobo unbounded public welfare project. We encourage young people all over the world to deeply explore, think and present the theme of the year through art, express their observation of life and view of the world, and take action to influence more people to pay attention to global issues, our society and our world with art works. Nobo boundless hope: join hands with global educators to let the world see the power of children. "Let the power of children influence the world, let the power of education change the future"!

Theme of nobo unbounded International Art Tour

The first theme of nobo unbounded International Art Tour: unbounded. Art has no boundaries. Art can cross the boundaries of the country, culture, language and so on, so that teenagers from all over the world can communicate through art language.

The second theme of nobo unbounded International Art Tour: a grain of rice. A grain of rice, a hundred grains of sweat. A grain of rice can become the hope of 800 million people suffering from famine, the expectation of 60 million refugees, the starting point of improving the global environment, and can make the world pay attention to food, peace and environment, and appeal to the world to pay attention to food shortage, environmental pollution and other issues through artistic means.

The third theme of nobo unbounded International Art Exhibition: one tree, one city. Trees are symbols of life, strength and hope. The environment in which we live is closely connected with trees. Exploring the relationship between trees and cities through art will help young people understand the biodiversity on the earth and realize the importance of preventing deforestation and environmental protection.

The fourth theme of nobo unbounded International Art Tour: a drop of water. A drop of water, a world. A drop of water can carry the whole world, infiltrating nature, life, history, and we are inextricably linked. In 2019, nobo leads the world's youth and children to explore the mysteries of water and nature, water and life, water and history through art and environmental protection courses, and pay close attention to the world of "a drop of water".

With the quality of water, we can create the world. Flowing rivers fill the ravines and spread the green fields. As a result, the sea changed, Sang Tian Sheng.

With the nature of water, we can educate the world. We should treat all creatures equally. As a result, the Nile river cut through the yellow sand, and the ethnic groups became civilized in the wilderness.

The virtue of water can enlighten the world. The soft conquers the strong, and the drop of water wears the stone. As a result, the highest good is like water.

With the wisdom of water, we can understand the world. The waves sweep the sand and absorb all the rivers. As a result, wise people are happy with water, and tolerance is great.

Gather small drops of water from the world to help children's heart of public welfare.

Gather “A Drop of Water” World Widely, For One Dream, For One Future, For Our Kids.

